Art Vietnam Gallery

7 Nguyen Khac Nhu
Hanoi, Vietnam

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Works by Elizabeth Rush

01_Deconstructing 20th Street
02_Still life with jasmine flowers and shrine in the accountant’s office
03_Still life in Gandhi Hall
04_Still Life with Buddhist Wheel and Max Cola astronaut poster
05_Still life with beach chairs, dried lotus and tube television
06_Still life in the jade cutter’s living room
07_Still life in the postman’s living room
08_Still life in the stairwell with transom shadows
09_Still life with lucky owls and wrapped stuffed animals
10_Still life with blue arcade, stacked televisions and percolator
11_Still life with telephone numbers, moving poster and stacks of unfolded cement knife boxes
12_Still Life with family portraits, folded longyis and the Schwedagon Pagoda
13_Still life with fish tank, enlightened Buddha, paint cans and water purifier
14_Still life with ghost posters, hanging shirts and one packed box
15_Still life with hanging comb and a demolition crewmember’s open umbrella
16_Still life with hand drawn hot air balloon
17_Still life with Japanese calendars, packing tape and Mickey Mouse tablecloth
18_Still life with leatherette couch, wedding portrait and a painting of the matriarch
19_Still life with marigolds, Everwater and restaurant glasses
20_Still life with medicine bottles, fly swatter and portrait of deceased accordion player
21_Still life with panel door, plastic bags, and coat hangers
22_Still life with ping pong paddle and Zalan Pyi Taw Pyan image
23_Still life with Rebar and souvenir pagoda print
24_Still life with sacks of coal
25_Still life with sanctuary and falling poster
26_Still life with schoolwork and rose curtain
27_Still life with sound system, washcloths and monk portrait
28_Still life in an empty room with stool
29_Still life with tiny shrine in mirror and pink tunic
30_Still life with shallots and undergarment a week before leaving
31_Still life with waterfall and lace television cover
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